bullheaded :

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  • s  obstinate and stupid

  • But mostly, Rescue Me says, it simply intensified their usual lot: the same qualities that make them brave and determined on the job can make them bullheaded and self-destructive on .
  • People say he's bullheaded, but he's never afraid to irritate people if it will get something done for his country.
  • He might be bullheaded enough to prevent Congress from buying more of the cold war weapons systems that the Pentagon doesn't want, and redirect the money to the spies and .

  • David Obey in Daily Caller
    House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey, Wisconsin Democrat, said McChrystal's "repeated contempt for the civilian chain of command demonstrates a bullheaded refusal to take other people's judgments into consideration."
  • Jim Leyland in USA Today
    A lot of guys wouldn't have been playing,Leyland said. "I felt kind of bad about it, but he's bullheaded. He wanted to be out there."
  • John Edwards in Forbes
    The fact that we have a bullheaded, stubborn president who thinks he can do nothing wrong makes it more important, more imperative that we stand our ground against this president,Edwards said during a town meeting on the Lebanon town square.

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