bi ding
- n an authoritative direction or instruction to do something
- n a request to be present
they came at his bidding - n (bridge) the number of tricks a bridge player is willing to contract to make
- v propose a payment
- v invoke upon
- v ask for or request earnestly
- v make a demand, as for a card or a suit or a show of hands
- v make a serious effort to attain something
- v ask someone in a friendly way to do something
- Environmental activist Tim DeChristopher tainted an auction of oil and gas drilling leases by bidding up parcels of land by hundreds of thousands of dollars without any intention .
- Exactly a month before the final vote, all four cities bidding for the 2016 Olympics received a mix of praise and criticism Monday in an IOC report assessing their technical merits.
- Competitive bidding for new security issues, which ICC 13 years ago made mandatory for equipment trusts and which is routine in municipal financing, generally yields issuers .