Is it all right to be straightforward in your imploring to beseech God on behalf of you and your family's personal fortune or is that somehow selfish?.
When big industrialists began to beseech Acting Governor Merriam to send troops into San Francisco, he replied that it would ruin him politically.
In the prescribed daily prayers, a pious Muslim does not beseech God for favors, either material or spiritual, so much as for guidance and mercy.
Alaskan idyll: A salmon bite on every cast Editor's note: This is the first of two parts on the writer's first journey to Alaska, America's last frontier.You can't go to Alaska without fishing for wild fish in a wilderness setting, right?Lifetime trip, bucket list, indelible memories, I beseech my wife, trying to justify the fly-fishing guid...
Aug. 25, 2013 - Lancaster Online
Dina Titus in San Jose Mercury News I beseech you not to leave any of that money on the table because if you do, that money will just go to other states, and Nevadans need it drastically,said Titus, who served for 15 years as state Senate minority leader. "This isn't a...