beseeching :

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bee see ching

  • v  ask for or request earnestly
  • a  begging

  • As my mother recalled, she could hear my father in his study, on his knees, beseeching God to "show Johnny mercy.
  • The e-mails started going out last week, beseeching, "Make a $5 contribution today, and you could be on your way to one of these once in a lifetime opportunities!".
  • In all my years as a journalist I had never seen anything like this: a ragtag army with wailing families in tow, beseeching me to take news of their plight to the outside world.
News & Articles

  • Road Warrior: How to lure 'skywalkers' not crossing that bridge
    We’ve been assured that crews would be working feverishly in Weehawken this weekend to tack up more signs beseeching commuters to please, pretty-please use the new pedestrian span over busy Port Imperial Boulevard to reach buses, ferries and light-rail trains.
    June 16, 2013 - The Record

  • John Updike in
    Like a feather caught in a vortex, Williams ran around the square of bases at the centre of our beseeching screaming. He ran as he always ran out home runs - hurriedly, unsmiling head down,Updike wrote. "The papers said that the other...
  • Dan Gillerman in Ynetnews
    I am beseeching you not to play into their hands, not to provide them with what they are seeking while sacrificing their own people as human shields and as victims,Gillerman said.
  • Matt Frei in Christian Science Monitor
    In 2004, "Britain's Guardian newspaper didn't help when it called on its readers to write to every single voter in Clark County, Ohio, beseeching them to vote for [Democratic nominee John] Kerry," Mr. Frei writes.

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