admonishing :

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ad mo ni shing

  • v  admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior
  • v  warn strongly; put on guard
  • v  take to task
  • s  expressing reproof or reproach especially as a corrective

  • It was here, his associates say, that Uday tucked away the admonishing letter from his father.
  • These findings led the New England Journal to publish an editorial admonishing doctors to prescribe the drugs only for patients with severe obesity.
  • A few days earlier, Nogi had paid a last visit to Hirohito and his brothers, admonishing them to live dedicated, frugal lives, as he had taught them.
News & Articles


  • Douglas Kmiec in WCNC (subscription)
    We join with the Special Committee in admonishing the Judge that his conduct exhibiting poor judgment with respect to this material created a public controversy that can reasonably be seen as having resulted in embarrassment to the institution of... Anthony Scirica Gant Daily Jul 3, 2009 1416 2056 admonishing When courts see them coming they lock their doors and run for cover, admonishing the political branches to work out their own difficulties," said Douglas Kmiec, a Pepperdine University law professor who served as a constitutional specialist in...
  • President Bush in NewsBlaze
    If more than one nation is admonishing North Korea, it is more likely the leader in North Korea will make a rational decision,Bush said.

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