Among the adoptable children, 44% are white and 43% are black.
The worldwide search for adoptable children is driven by classic causes: faltering domestic supply and rising demand.
This poses a special problem, since healthy adoptable babies are increasingly scarce owing to the fact that more single women now opt to have abortions or to keep their infants.
Marland Heights family fun day set for Saturday WEIRTON - Saturday is family fun day at Marland Heights Park, with food and games, a tennis clinic and adoptable pets capping a day that will begin with a 5K road race and kid fun ru.
June 13, 2013 - Weirton Daily Times
Ben Konop in Toledo Blade I think Julie should be allowed from day one to make changes she sees fit that would create a better department. Included in that, I believe Julie should be allowed to adopt out any dog regardless of breed that she deems 'adoptable,'Mr. Konop...
Martin Chavez in A statement released by Mayor Martin Chavez said: "The city opposed the cuts that have been recommended by the council, in particular those relating to the animal welfare department, which could impact the lives of up to 50 adoptable dogs and cats...
Lloyd Levine in San Jose Mercury News At local shelters, they kill perfectly healthy, adoptable animals,Levine said, "because there is nothing else to do."