adoring :

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uh daw ring

  • v  love intensely
  • s  showing adoration
  • s  extravagantly or foolishly loving and indulgent
    adoring grandparents

  • Members of his evangelical team would enter his hotel room before him, to search it for any adoring fan or tabloid bait that might be hiding out.
  • A sizable chunk of their once adoring audience feels the same way about the Dixie Chicks.
  • The girls earn $150 to $400 a night in salary, in addition to the perquisites and gifts that adoring customers shower on them.
News & Articles


  • John McCain in Toledo Blade
    I sincerely hope that the next president is here today,Mr. McCain said. "My opponent, of course, is traveling in Europe, and tomorrow his tour takes him to France. In a scene that Lance would recognize, a throng of adoring fans awaits...
  • Michelle Malkin in KSBW
    On her blog, Malkin called the protest "an abysmal failure." "The nostalgic, Marx-adoring organizers of Recreate '68 seem to have mustered no more than, oh, 68 bodies. Their presence here is dwarfed by the massive show of police, press, and...
  • Stephanie Coontz in International Herald Tribune
    We've seen love in the White House before, but in many cases it was the adoring wife, along the lines of Nancy Reagan,says Coontz, a professor at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Wash. "What the Obamas have is a jocular, playful love, a...

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