adulatory :

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  • s  obsequiously complimentary

  • After walking firmly past a line of erect soldiers in their dress uniforms, the minister gave a brief, adulatory speech, then led the troops in a rousing cheer of "Viva Espaa.
  • Though her uncle Robert once held the very Senate seat that Kennedy now eyes, her own campaign experience has consisted primarily of giving speeches before adulatory audiences .
  • Mao died in 1976, and with the years those adulatory cries of "Yes, yes!" have gradually faded.
News & Articles

  • ‘Inequality’ preaches to the choir
    Living proof that size and ego exist often in inverse proportion, Robert Reich, former secretary of labor in Clinton administration certainly doesn’t mind being the center of attention in spite of his small size, which he refers to in several self-deprecating remarks. This is good since he is the center of attention for much of Jacob Kornbluth’s adulatory documentary “Inequality for All.”
    Sept. 27, 2013 - Boston Herald

  • John Bolton in
    Obama's reception will be adulatory in contrast with Bush,Bolton predicted. "It will be a great photo-opportunity for the White House."
  • Emma Freud in Times Online
    Emma Freud, the screen writer, says that she quit after four days because she was so addicted - but not before she had left the memorable: "Just back from Take That. Beyond words. Well, not beyond actually, just worthy of big extreme adulatory...
  • Leonardo Boff in
    The conservative tendency has led to the appearance of groups like Opus Dei, the Charismatic movement etc, where Christians who are mostly papists, infantilised and adulatory, thrive,says Leonardo Boff, Brazil's best-known liberation...

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