Another dangerous adulterant is PMA (paramethoxyamphetamine), an illegal drug that in May killed two Chicago-area teenagers who took it thinking they were dropping e.
Used as an adulterant, it can greatly increase our synthetic rubber output.
Said he: "In Quebec a non-injurious quantity of alcohol may be purchased and drunk freely and openly with State guarantee of freedom from harmful adulterant.
Adulterant Testing Adulterant testing detects substances (either added to the urine specimen or ingested) that are promoted as “cleansing agents” to prevent the detection of drug use.
July 22, 2013 - HRHub
Drug Test Panels In addition to the standard NIDA (National Institute Drug Administration) panel, Alliant Diagnostics offers a variety of test panels and cut off levels, which can be combined with adulterant testing and MRO (Medical Review).
July 22, 2013 - HRHub
Kent Desormeaux in Newsday Lignocaine is increasingly being used as an adulterant for cocaine on the streets and we are concerned about it. There is a concern about the use of the drug in inducing or enhancing cocaine-induced cardiac arrhythmia. It increases the cardio-toxic... Brian Farrell Irish Times Aug 1, 2008
1517 2166 adulterate Well . . . Edgar has been known to pop off, I'll say that," Desormeaux said. "He could do something purposely to help cause interference. He could try to adulterate my ride, create aggression in my horse. But I'll be aware of all of them,...