slog :

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s log

  • v  work doggedly or persistently
  • v  walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud
  • v  strike heavily, especially with the fist or a bat

  • A long slog it is, then.
  • Why have doctors slog through med school only to be pushed out of the profession afterward because their bad bedside manner? Tamblyn recommends testing students' aptitude for .
  • Expect a two-day slog through dense rainforest, bare-bones style camping and blisters.
News & Articles

  • DIY remodelers slog and blog in Oakland
    DIY remodelers slog and blog in Oakland Miller suggests that first-time builders start out with a fence because nobody will get hurt if it falls down, yet it requires manual labor, intelligence and elements of design. Know when to call the professionals After trying to pull the garage back onto the foundation themselves, Miller and Phillips decided to get the help of a structural engineer while ...
    June 15, 2013 - San Francisco Chronicle
  • Blumenauer Demands Defense Department Clean Up the Willamette River — VIDEO
    As negotiations over the Portland Harbor Superfund cleanup slog along , U.S. Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-Oregon) keeps pushing for more money from what he says is one of the Williamette River's bigger polluters: the Pentagon. At a House Budget Committee meeting on Wednesday, Blumenauer grilled U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel on the defense department's role in making the Portland Harbor ...
    June 14, 2013 - Willamette Week
  • Congress Craters in Poll Question That Matters Most
    Congress returns next week to face a long Senate slog on immigration, a farm bill competing for the House's attention with going-nowhere-fast abortion restrictions and the lowest level of public confidence Gallup has ever recorded for a bedrock American institution.
    June 14, 2013 - CQ Politics

  • John McCain in FOXNews
    This is a long, hard slog we're in in Afghanistan,said Sen. John McCain, borrowing the phrase used frequently by former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld to describe the war in Iraq.
  • Robert Gates in Los Angeles Times
    After the Iraq experience, nobody is prepared to have a long slog where it is not apparent we are making headway,Gates said an in interview. "The troops are tired; the American people are pretty tired."
  • Mark Cavendish in Irish Times
    It was a hard stage actually, up and down all day,the smiling 25-year-old told reporters at the end of what was the longest stage of this year's race. "It was a tough slog for our guys but they rode incredibly well. They kept the gap down...

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