New surgical knife can instantly detect cancer Surgeons may have a new way to smoke out cancer. An experimental surgical knife can help surgeons make sure they've removed all the cancerous tissue, doctors reported Wednesday. Surgeons typically use knives that heat tissue as they cut, producing a sharp-smelling smoke.
July 19, 2013 - Laramie Boomerang
Surgical knife gives diagnosis of tissue By The Associated Press, The Associated Press LONDON — Surgeons may have a new way to smoke out cancer. An experimental surgical knife can help surgeons make sure they’ve removed all the ...
July 18, 2013 - The Mckeesport Daily News
Smoke signals for cancer: New knife that decodes smoke from surgery can identify cancer LONDON — Surgeons may have a new way to smoke out cancer. An experimental surgical knife can help surgeons make sure they've removed all the cancerous tissue, doctors reported Wednesday. Surgeons typically use knives that heat tissue as they cut, producing a sharp-smelling smoke.
July 17, 2013 - Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune