underspend :

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  • v  spend less than the whole of (a budget, for example)
  • v  spend at less than the normal rate
News & Articles

  • Ask Slashdot: How To Get Open Source Projects To Take Our Money?
    New submitter wkaan writes "Last financial year, we had an underspend at work, and it was suggested and agreed that we should give some cash away — $20k to be exact — to open source projects. Four projects were selected. A management catch was that it could not appear to be a donation and it had to be for something we had notionally received in the current financial year. At that time it was ...
    Aug. 27, 2013 - Slashdot

  • George Osborne in Financial Times
    The chancellor said the government would "support private broadband investment, including to rural areas, in part with funding from the digital switchover underspend within the TV licence fee".
  • Eric Schmidt in Bloomberg
    We overspend relative to what people think we should on capital,Chief Executive Officer Eric Schmidt said in an interview. "We probably underspend on people in, say, customer service because we're more automated."
  • Harold Varmus in Kaiser network.org
    ...to the report, Denmark, Luxembourg, Norway and Sweden exceed the MDG target and 15 other industrialized nations contribute proportionally more than the US The report is "just drawing attention to the fact that we do underspend," Varmus...

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