To Noble, the meager funding is not just a practical limitation, but a distressing sign of how Western governments undervalue Interpol.
You cannot undervalue the quality of research and investigative reporting.
They don't have to worry about reimbursements that overvalue radiological tests and invasive prostate treatments, undervalue preventive care and watchful waiting and put zero value .
We must move. Should we sell or rent our home? Dear Tax Talk, We have a house that we bought from a bank in January of 2010 for $375,000 (at 5.375 percent interest), approximately $50,000 undervalue for the property, that we live in currently. It was ...
June 13, 2013 - via Yahoo! Finance
Carlos Bonet in They (New Zealand) are a difficult opponent like all the teams, nobody gifts you anything in these types of competitions and more than anything they've done a great job. No-one should undervalue what New Zealand have done,he said. "We are...
Chris Dodd in BusinessWeek Today's Treasury report made clear for the record what we all already knew -- China continues to undervalue its currency,Dodd said in a statement after the Treasury Department declined to name China a currency manipulator in a report to...
Lloyd Blankfein in Forbes We are at a high state of nervousness,Blankfein said at The Wall Street Journal Deals and Deal Makers Conference being held at the New York Stock Exchange. "You can't undervalue risk."