undervalue :

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uhn der val yooh

  • v  assign too low a value to
  • v  esteem lightly
  • v  lose in value

  • To Noble, the meager funding is not just a practical limitation, but a distressing sign of how Western governments undervalue Interpol.
  • You cannot undervalue the quality of research and investigative reporting.
  • They don't have to worry about reimbursements that overvalue radiological tests and invasive prostate treatments, undervalue preventive care and watchful waiting and put zero value .
News & Articles

  • We must move. Should we sell or rent our home?
    Dear Tax Talk, We have a house that we bought from a bank in January of 2010 for $375,000 (at 5.375 percent interest), approximately $50,000 undervalue for the property, that we live in currently. It was ...
    June 13, 2013 - Bankrate.com via Yahoo! Finance

  • Carlos Bonet in Sportinglife.com
    They (New Zealand) are a difficult opponent like all the teams, nobody gifts you anything in these types of competitions and more than anything they've done a great job. No-one should undervalue what New Zealand have done,he said. "We are...
  • Chris Dodd in BusinessWeek
    Today's Treasury report made clear for the record what we all already knew -- China continues to undervalue its currency,Dodd said in a statement after the Treasury Department declined to name China a currency manipulator in a report to...
  • Lloyd Blankfein in Forbes
    We are at a high state of nervousness,Blankfein said at The Wall Street Journal Deals and Deal Makers Conference being held at the New York Stock Exchange. "You can't undervalue risk."

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