When the two giant spacecraft undock on Tuesday, two of the MIR cosmonauts will film the maneuver from a small Soyuz vehicle nearby.
Just before Apollo disappeared behind the moonwhere undocking was scheduled to occurthe controllers ordered the astronauts not to undock if the angle of twist reached 6 .
On their 28th day aboard Skylab, the astronauts will again don their space suits, crawl back into the Apollo command ship, undock and head for the traditional splashdown in the .
The Epitome of Cool: Neil Armstrong and David Scott, 1966 So, you’ve just endured a harrowing experience where your orbiting spacecraft has gone wildly out of control. You somehow — while undergoing the incredible, vertigo-inducing G-forces of your spinning spacecraft — figure out a plan, undock your spacecraft from another spacecraft and abort your original mission. Six and a half orbits and ten hours and [...]
June 13, 2013 - Universe Today
Scott Kelly in Reuters It's not ideal,shuttle commander Scott Kelly told an in-flight press conference. "But we could potentially undock the day after the (Saturday) spacewalk and come home a day early."
Peggy Whitson in FOXNews I think that will be personally satisfying,Whitson said of the Soyuz return. "Another advantage is that once we undock, we'll be home on the ground in a few hours. So I think it will be a quick trip."