3 steps to success: Raiders have to find quarterback, stick to offensive identity The theme of the offseason has been simple: purge poor contracts and get back in the black. Oakland made a point to overvalue and overspend over the past decade, and though a lot of talent is leaving the team, they're making the changes necessary to get closer to long-term sustainability.
June 7, 2013 - Philly.com
Brian Knutson in U.S. News & World Report Loss is not the opposite of gain,explained study author Brian Knutson, an assistant professor in the department of psychology and neuroscience at Stanford University. "They are two separate things, because people tend to overvalue the...
Paul Myners in Risk.net Myners described Ceiops' move as, "a fundamental step forward", but he said more needs to be done. "We need to make sure we do not overvalue the risks associated with annuity liabilities, thus requiring overly prudent levels of capital....
Viktor Yushchenko in Today.Az According to RIA Novosti, Yushchenko, speaking at the end of a GUAM summit in Kiev, said: "It is hard to overvalue cooperation between our countries in the field of security given the current conditions, with the threats of terrorism, aggressive...