DK: At times, emotional valuation can overwrite brain valuation.
Do you want to overwrite an earlier version of DirectX? Do you want to register online now or the next time you reboot, or should we remind you every two weeks for the rest of your .
It turns out that human memory is like an analog cassette tape: overwrite it too many times, and you start to hear the ghosts of old voices.
Indiana law gives offenders second chance One foolish mistake can overwrite years of integrity and hard work, leaving someone unable to get a job and provide for themselves and their family.
June 21, 2013 - The Purdue Exponent
Matt Mullenweg in Netcraft Although not all downloads of 2.1.1 were affected, we're declaring the entire version dangerous,said Mullenweg. "If your blog is running 2.1.1, please upgrade immediately and do a full overwrite of your old files, especially those in...
Edward Albee in New York Times Mr. Albee explained: "Here I've made about five or six minutes of cuts. But I always make five or six minutes of cuts in a new play because I overwrite like everybody else does."
Alicia Keys in USA Today Keys says she tends to "overwrite. I want to get every nuance in there."