Franz is referred to as that "Teutonic twit" (a mild variation on "Teutonic twat," the epithet for Madeline Kahn's character in "Blazing Saddles").
Meanwhile, we f'ing slaughter how many Afghanis from the skies above--where's your f'ing sigh there you utter and complete twat.
Skinner, before singing "The Lorelei" (she does it in Madeline Kahn's Teutonic-twat accent from "Blazing Saddles"), tells the audience, "Here's a little number that Wagner cut from .
TT racers give the best press conferences Would an F1 or Nascar driver say " I know that last year people thought I was a bit of a ball bag and a twat, " and, " ...the tip of my bell-end's burnt "? Watch from 4.40 to hear the glorious Michael Dunlop, if you can understand him. Now, for an idea of what TT racing is like round the Isle of Man watch this video and try not to shit your pants. Superbike race report here
June 7, 2013 - Jalopnik
Brian Cox in Nouse Scientists received death threats, whilst the 'rock star' physicist Brian Cox said "anyone who thinks the LHC will destroy the world is a twat."
David Cameron in Times Online Politicians do have to think about what they say,said Mr Cameron. "The trouble with Twitter, the instantness [sic] of it, is I think that too many twits might make a twat."
Tony Wilson in I am getting a bit pissed off,explained Wilson, "because in Manchester we're a very tough town. Whenever I walk out on stage people boo me! I'm known to be a twat to everybody - this has not changed. In fact I became slightly more...