Urban malpractice in Istanbul and elsewhere As events in Turkey reveal, writes Froma Harrop, urban renewal is often a thinly veiled means of controlling people and weakening societies they seek to subjugate.
June 8, 2013 - Seattle Times
What’s Great Art Doing In These Ugly Rooms? A new tumblr blog counterpoints some of the ugliest rooms the Internet has to offer with some of the 20th century’s great artwork. First rule of museum design: Don’t upstage the art. A museum such as the Guggenheim in New York (or its metallic counterpart in Bilbao) tends to treat the art it contains as rival creative forces. In some cases, it even attempts to actively subjugate them. The ...
June 7, 2013 - Fast Company Magazine
Yankees Should Release Alex Rodriguez If He's Suspended 100 Games For Using PEDs I write this with full disclosure that I am a die-hard, life-long Yankee fan. I’m old enough to remember Mickey Mantle’s final season in pinstripes and attended my first game when a fan’s view could be blocked by the giant pillars at the old Yankee Stadium. I was a beat writer for a New Jersey newspaper and covered the team for six years in the ‘80’s having to subjugate my boyhood feelings while ...
June 6, 2013 - Forbes
Christopher Columbus in The Chattanoogan They would make fine servants:With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want,said Columbus, in Zinn's A People's History of the United States.
Abu Bakar Bashir in Reuters This is evidence that even though all this time the West think that they can subjugate Indonesia, there are still some Muslims and Indonesians who have the courage to convey the truth,Bashir told Elshinta radio in a telephone interview.
Lawrence Gowan in Toronto Sun I want this band to work : so sometimes you have to subjugate your own ego-driven moments (laughs) to the greater cause,says Gowan. "As a more seasoned musician, you're more apt to make the right call in a lot of those situations."