rejuvenate :

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ri jooh vuh nayt

  • v  cause (a stream or river) to erode, as by an uplift of the land
  • v  develop youthful topographical features
    the land rejuvenated
  • v  make younger or more youthful
    The contact with his grandchildren rejuvenated him
  • v  return to life; get or give new life or energy
  • v  become young again
    The old man rejuvenated when he became a grandfather

  • That was 9,000 fewer than expected but a far cry from the job creation required to rejuvenate the economy: about 125,000 new jobs each month just to keep the unemployment rate from .
  • Chickens leave their own manure, which helps the grass rejuvenate.
  • McDonough is lead architect on a $2 billion project to rejuvenate Ford's massive River Rouge plant; Braungart helped found Germany's Green Party.
News & Articles


  • Jeroen van der Veer in ClickAJob News
    We continue to rejuvenate our portfolio with sustained investment in new legacy assets, and through disposals,added Mr Van der Veer, who stressed that the execution of Shell's strategy remained on track.
  • Tiger Wood in ESPN
    This is in no way a knock on Barclays, their new event next week or the new FedEx Cup series, which I fully support,Woods said in his statement. "I just hope that this extra week of rest will rejuvenate me for the final three playoff...
  • Mark Madsen in USA Today
    Sometimes you just need a change,forward Mark Madsen said. "Obviously Glen Taylor felt that very strongly. And so I buy into that now. Hopefully with that change we can rejuvenate, we can win some basketball games and we can take...

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