reciprocate :

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ri si pruh kayt

  • v  act, feel, or give mutually or in return
    We always invite the neighbors and they never reciprocate!
  • v  alternate the direction of motion of
    the engine reciprocates the propeller

  • Other nations traditionally at loggerheads with America may find reason to reciprocate to a more balanced approach.
  • Obama and Clinton have lately stressed that the Administration is seeking new concessions from Arab states to reciprocate for an Israeli settlement freeze, but even Washington's .
  • Jackson seemed to reciprocate the love of his Japanese fans.

  • Robert Gates in Times of India
    We have put a lot on the table, we are willing to explain it further, but now it is time for them to reciprocate,Gates told journalists on the plane taking him to Moscow for a visit on Monday and Tuesday with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
  • Hamid Karzai in
    What . . . we have to reciprocate with is this opportunity of mineral resources, that we must return at the goodwill of the Japanese people by giving Japan priority to come and explore and extract,he said.
  • Yousuf in Reuters India
    We had assurance from the Koreans that Kabul will release Taliban prisoners in batches and we will reciprocate,Yousuf told Reuters by telephone from an undisclosed location. "We gave them eight Taliban names and they should have been freed...

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