Kids Day draws youngsters to Shasta District Fair's carnival midway Cool temperatures, clear skies and a slight breeze helped propel opening day attendance Wednesday, June 12, during Kid’s Day at the 2013 Shasta District Fair in Anderson. Free attendance for all children age 12 and younger also helped. Fair gates opened at noon, but the biggest attractions, carnival rides on the midway, didn’t open until 2 p.m. But there were few complaints heard since the rides ...
June 14, 2013 - Anderson Valley Post
Free seminar on propel marketing set for June 13 The Putnam Business Association will offer a free seminar on propel marketing at 8 a.m. June 13 at the Norwich Marriott Courtyard, 181 W. Town St., Norwich .
June 11, 2013 - The Norwich Bulletin
Chris Pronger in Hopefully, we can do something with our lifeline here and use the excitement and euphoria from this win and from our last little stretch of games here to propel us and do good things here in the playoffs,defenceman Chris Pronger said.
Alan Greenspan in Forbes It is, in my view, also an indication that conservative change is something that the American people want to see. I think you're going to see a growing movement across this country to get behind my candidacy and to propel this candidacy... Mitt Romney FOXNews,4670,CampaignRdp,00.html&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNF2EevDSPkCSfkiYptsdEw9WS7s1Q Feb 2, 2008
78169 105136 propel If China continues to press ahead towards free-market capitalism, it will surely propel the world to new levels of prosperity," the 81-year-old Greenspan predicted in his memoir, The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World, released...