predate :

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pree dayt

  • v  be earlier in time; go back further
  • v  come before
  • v  prey on or hunt for
    These mammals predate certain eggs
  • v  establish something as being earlier relative to something else

  • GILLESPIE: If you look at the President's comments on terrorism and Iran, they predate the general election, they predate the primary election, they predate the President's .
  • But those historians should not forget that roots of the failure predate the vote on Monday, and even the mistakes of Wall Street.
  • Briggs' concern is more with computer hackers and corporate saboteurs and spies than with terrorists AIT's security measures long predate Sept.
News & Articles

  • Stanford course explores social networking in the 18th century – and in nature
    An interdisciplinary freshman course shows students how networking predates Facebook by hundreds, even millions of years.
    June 10, 2013 - Stanford Report
  • Bugs & Fixes: How to download iTunes movie trailers
    Until recently, if you visited Apple’s iTunes Movies Trailers website , you had the option either to stream trailers or download them. Further, once you selected a trailer, you had a choice of viewing resolutions topping out at 1080p. Not any more. As of late May, Apple removed the option to download trailers. Downloading may still be available for trailers that predate the change, but not for ...
    June 7, 2013 - Macworld

  • Kevin Rudd in Sydney Morning Herald
    These numbers for the global economy predate the convulsions in the global stock markets and capital markets of the last two weeks,Mr Rudd said. "The logic that flows from this is transparently obvious: if you have a revision down in...
  • Damien Hirst in Bloomberg
    I'll predate them before Michelangelo almost like he's seen them and copied them,Hirst said. "I thought it would be a lot of fun to not know: Is this real? Isn't this real? What is real? Am I real?"
  • Barack Obama in Wall Street Journal
    The Freedmen argue that our search for intent to abrogate is misguided because the 13th Amendment and the 1866 Treaty predate the doctrine of tribal sovereign immunity, such that the drafters of those texts could not have foreseen the interpretive... Thomas Griffith Tahlequah Daily Press Jul 30, 2008 76825 103808 predator While first daughters Sasha and Malia are big fans, Mr. Obama said: Boys, don't get any ideas......I have two words for you, `predator drones.' You will never see it coming."

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