predetermine :

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pree di tur muhn

  • v  determine beforehand
  • v  cause to be biased

  • To predetermine sex, control the chromosome.
  • Charlie Wilson tried to soften the blow against the Army by pointing out that the peacetime assignments did not necessarily predetermine the weapons and forces that field .
  • Parents who have access to the latest genetic testing techniques can now predetermine their baby's sex with great accuracy--as Monique and Scott Collins learned to their delight .
News & Articles

  • Mom's genes may affect how fast you age
    Eating well, sleeping well and exercising may help keep people young at heart, but mutated genes passed down from mothers may also predetermine aging rates, new research suggests
    Aug. 22, 2013 - Fox News

  • Paula Dobriansky in Jakarta Post
    We're very committed to working for a successful outcome. We want to launch a process that is open and does not predetermine or preclude options,Paula Dobriansky, Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs and head of the US...
  • Pat Summitt in (subscription)
    As far as his pending free-agent status, this is not a move intended to clear space or predetermine a next move. It will however provide flexibility to both Shawn and the Raptors. This is a win-win for both Toronto and Miami and we wish JO and... Bryan Colangelo Feb 13, 2009 76844 103821 predetermine I think as a coach it's an instinctive thing," Summitt said. "You've got to wait and see and get a feel in the game. If you go in and you predetermine, 'I'm going to play seven people,' and you have two come off the bench and play poorly you...

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