In addition, athletes lack excess body fat, which can predispose people to diabetes.
Now the same team has come up with evidence that bolsters its earlier findings and supports the theory that "gay genes" may predispose some men to seek partners of the same sex.
In 1993, Collins' trailblazing work identifying genetic defects that predispose to cystic fibrosis and other diseases led to his succeeding double-helix discoverer James Watson as .
Toward True Health: Cardiovascular disease caused by poor diet, heredity Many risk factors contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease. Some people are born with conditions that predispose them to heart disease and stroke, however that is not the norm.
June 11, 2013 - Savannah Morning News
Peter Tatchell in Lifesite Contrary to the findings of some researchers who have tried to posit a purely genetic origin for same-sex attractions, Tatchell wrote, "Genes and hormones may predispose a person to one sexuality rather than another. But that's all. Predisposition...
Dean Hamer in Lawrence Journal World Our genes can predispose us to believe. But they don't tell us what to believe in,said Hamer, whose current research involves HIV/AIDS.