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  • v  clean with one's bill
    The birds preened
  • v  pride or congratulate (oneself) for an achievement
  • v  dress or groom with elaborate care

  • She fidgeted with flowers, prinked her dress more than once, and lurched across the screen to preen the Duke's hair.
  • He's utterly unconflicted about his job; he likes being watched but he doesn't preen, doesn't beg or mug for our attention.
  • Bolten was happy to let others preen in meetings while he waited to make a killer point at the end.
News & Articles

  • Preen Resort 2014
    Posted in Fashion / Fashion blog / Fashion pictures / Runway & fashion show pictures Preen’s resort 2014 collection has been previewed and has each of the key looks for you. Article continues . To read it in full visit ' Preen Resort 2014 ' at » Picture gallery Tagged:
    June 12, 2013 - StyleBistro

  • Jim Davidson in Luton Today
    Jim said: "No only when you put it on...... it's a sort of preen."
  • Benjamin Barber in Salt Lake Tribune
    The gloating Hummer owner may preen with macho pride,Barber writes, "unaware or simply uncaring of the fact that he drives an ecological behemoth that squanders fossil fuel resources, pollutes the environment, and makes the United States...
  • James Gurney in Arkansas Democrat Gazette
    The way they pose, the way they preen and strut, is a lot like a dinosaur would,Gurney says. "So I was doing a sketch of a rooster because he was the only one sleeping. He woke up because a kid was razzing him, and I became discouraged...

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