With the sprouting of 'Baristas' and 'Cafe Days' all over, India Coffe House is not patronized by the intellectuals anymore.
Local purchases recirculate it, but patronize mega-chains or online retailers, he says, and "it flows out like a wound.
In the centuries when Islam forged civilizations, men of wealth created pious foundations supporting universities and hospitals, and princes competed with one another to patronize .
Cruise ship crew spending benefits local businesses Crew spending creates a local economic impact Many cruise ship passengers fly in and out of South Florida airports, stay in area hotels and patronize restaurants and taxis, but they aren't the only ones leaving an economic footprint on the community.
June 13, 2013 - Sun-Sentinel
Poor sales result in closing of convenience store People in Carpentersville thirsting for a Slurpee at 7-Eleven will now have to patronize the store on Route 25. That's because 7-Eleven corporate authorities have closed the store on Route 68 due to declining sales, a 7-Eleven spokeswoman confirmed Thursday.
June 6, 2013 - Daily Herald