Cuban, known for his outsize personality, has come out swinging against the SEC and what he calls its "win at any cost ambitions," promising to keep the case and the murkiness .
The murkiness surrounding what's reasonable has deepened further with the Maryland case, which was tried in 2004.
The same murkiness clouds most of the 2,500 slayings in Mexico this year that have been tallied by the leading Mexican newspapers in what they call "execution-meters.
Smoke from Canadian fires prompts health advisories White murkiness hung in the air over parts of northern Vermont Tuesday. It resembled fog, but was really smoke. Wildfires raging in northern Quebec were the source of the smokey haze. It blew down in the wind, and the state issued health warnings. On the WPTZ App? Click here to see the video. The Vt. Agency of Natural Resources told Vermonters the air could have fine particulate matter in it ...
July 3, 2013 - WPTZ Burlington
John Key in National Business Review There's a lot of murkiness about this whole donation scandal,Mr Key said. "Both parties can't be right here. I can only go back to the fact that Mr Glenn has provided all the way through compelling evidence."