Sharks lurk in the vast, mysterious ocean, an element that still stirs mythic fear.
The most interesting sites in the search engine category lurk deep within the list of 1,600 sites: new companies that have the hopes and aspirations of being the next Google.
What they don't see is what's outside the frame, the area where Bush is not, the spaces where Secret Service men move, techs set up and journalists lurk.
Pixar’s Monsters University: When Hairy Met Scary These creatures of the night emerge to frighten and feed off their victims: young children who tell their skeptical parents that ghosts and goblins lurk in their closets. The kids are right. Those monsters are not a figment of infant fears; they are a race of ogres from an alternative world whose only energy source is a high volume of audible nightmares. As human blood is to vampires, a child’s ...
June 13, 2013 - Time Magazine
'Man Of Steel': Should It Be PG? by Brett White No one blinks an eye when Batman gets a PG-13, and fans would probably prefer "The Wolverine" be a hard R. But these are heroes that lurk in the shadows, who dole out justice and vengeance with a grimace. But Superman, as many comic book pros and fans have pointed out since [...]
June 13, 2013 - MTV
Stealth Inc Sneaking Into E3 With Even More Levels It’s the Curve team here, bringing you news about Stealth Inc , the stealth-puzzle-platformer for PS3 and Vita that means to exterminate you at any cost. Taking control of one of PTi Industries’ many cloned test subjects, it’s your job to hack, leap and lurk your way through an enormous test facility, with only an assortment of disgruntled, laser-wielding security drones for company.
June 13, 2013 - PlayStation Blog
Louis Brandeis in Business Wire (press release) In speaking of the value of the First Amendment, Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis wrote, "The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in the insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding."
Karen Tandy in Reuters Canada Operation Raw Deal uncovered a clandestine web of international drug dealers who lurk on the Internet for young adults craving the artificial advantage of anabolic steroids,Karen Tandy, the head of the US Drug Enforcement Administration, said.
Stuart Rabner in Forbes The challenge of protecting our children demands constant vigilance,Attorney General Stuart Rabner said. "The Internet is a great learning tool, but can also be a place where predators lurk."