With Kufra in Italian hands, valiant old Muktar and his followers were cut oft from their source of supplies, forced to skulk in the ravines near the coast.
But then, Fallujah's insurgents have never had to skulk in the shadows.
So, because he has refocused national attention on the sullen, confused kids who skulk around our schools, harboring grudges and entertaining violent demons, and has forced us to .
Morning Linkage: LA is the Best For Bros, Silver Lake and Its Gentlemen's Shops · LA is the best US city for bros; sure, whatever · Why do regular citizens have to skulk in City Hall the back way? · Silver Lake's weird tendency toward a monoculture (gentlemen's shops?) · Local location filming...
July 3, 2013 - Curbed LA
William Hague in Reuters.uk It is not acceptable ...... that the prime minister, having been so keen to lead these debates in the run-up to the war ...... now prefers, with the whole issue in the balance and 130 British lives lost in Iraq, to skulk out of this chamber,...
James Ellroy in Los Angeles Times ...the video, Ellroy explains that after his mother's murder, when he was 10, he would walk his dog late at night, looking in the windows of the mansions of Hancock Park, with "freedom to peep, brood, read, skulk, stalk, and fantasize."