loom :

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  • n  a textile machine for weaving yarn into a textile
  • v  come into view indistinctly, often threateningly
    Another air plane loomed into the sky
  • v  appear very large or occupy a commanding position
    Large shadows loomed on the canyon wall
  • v  hang over, as of something threatening, dark, or menacing
  • v  weave on a loom
    materials loomed in Egypt

  • But Saint-Leger says the pressure and intimidation evoked by the Muslim women who come to him for help as their traditional weddings loom frequently threaten their physical and .
  • That a showdown would loom in Hong Kong's once rubber-stamp Legco is as surprising to Hong Kongers as it is alarming to Beijing, but late Sunday night turned into high noon as .
  • A mob of Lancashire weavers rioted in 1791 and burned to the ground a cotton mill newly set up by Edmund Cartwright, inventor of the power loom.

  • Jerry Avorn in USA Today
    FDA staffers by their own admission feel very much under the gun as these deadlines loom,added Dr. Jerry Avorn of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, who co-authored the study. "If they're forced to make decisions prematurely, they may...
  • Leslie Southwick in International Herald Tribune
    It appears, though, that these tort-based claims of civilian employees against their civilian employers can be separated from the political questions that loom so large in the background,Southwick added.
  • Stephane Dion in Financial Post
    There's a pattern here. Every time Canada is governed by a Conservative government, the economy stalls, jobs are lost and deficits loom,Mr. Dion said in a statement. "Stephen Harper and Jim Flaherty continue to talk about how good the...

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