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  • n  a statement that deviates from or perverts the truth
  • n  Norwegian diplomat who was the first Secretary General of the United Nations (1896-1968)
  • n  position or manner in which something is situated
  • v  be located or situated somewhere; occupy a certain position
  • v  be lying, be prostrate; be in a horizontal position
  • v  originate (in)
  • v  be and remain in a particular state or condition
    lie dormant
  • v  tell an untruth; pretend with intent to deceive
    Don't lie to your parents
    She lied when she told me she was only 29
  • v  have a place in relation to something else
    The fate of Bosnia lies in the hands of the West
    The responsibility rests with the Allies
  • v  assume a reclining position
    lie down on the bed until you feel better

  • The commercially available lie-detection technology may sound exciting, but a new study suggests that lies and truth may sometimes be indistinguishable on brain scans.
  • With some careful observation--and a little help from new software--anyone can learn to be a lie detector.
  • Few things are easier than telling a lie, and few things are harder than spotting one when it's told to us.
News & Articles


  • Barack Obama in
    The answers to our problems don't lie beyond our reach. They exist in our laboratories and our universities; in our fields and our factories; in the imaginations of our entrepreneurs and the pride of the hardest-working people on Earth,Obama...
  • David Cameron in Herald Sun
    I came into politics because I love this country, I think its best days still lie ahead and I believe deeply in public service,Mr Cameron said.
  • Tiger Wood in New York Daily News
    I was living a life of a lie. I really was,Woods said. "But when you face it and you start conquering it and you start living up to it ...... the strength that I feel now, I've never felt that type of strength."

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