lagging :

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la ging

  • n  used to wrap around pipes or boilers or laid in attics to prevent loss of heat
  • v  hang (back) or fall (behind) in movement, progress, development, etc.
  • v  lock up or confine, in or as in a jail
  • v  throw or pitch at a mark, as with coins
  • v  cover with lagging to prevent heat loss

  • Meanwhile, Starbucks, with business lagging, is fighting back with an "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" strategy, by offering heated breakfast sandwiches and adding drive-thru .
  • They wore civilian clothes, their vehicles lagging behind a legitimate aid convoy.
  • For the next 15 years, she shuttled between Vichy and Switzerland returning to reopen her Paris salon in 1954 only to boost lagging perfume sales.
News & Articles


  • Al Sharpton in FOXNews
    In a statement, Sharpton accused the Romney campaign of a "blatant effort to fabricate a controversy to help their lagging campaign" and argued that it was Hitchens who criticized Mormons.
  • Frank Blake in International Herald Tribune
    ...Executive Frank Blake, noting that last year was one of the most difficult financially for Home Depot, told analysts during a conference call that the company is "still too often perceived as lagging in customer service."

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