incarcerate :

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in kor suh rayt

  • v  lock up or confine, in or as in a jail
    the murderer was incarcerated for the rest of his life

  • Activist argue that the archaic law that allows police to incarcerate a crime suspect for up to four years is being blatantly misused.
  • Social activists say that it is counter productive to incarcerate addicted offenders without treating them.
  • It is not cheap to keep delinquents in jail for more than 500 million dollars are spent yearly to incarcerate them.
News & Articles

  • Otter Unveils New Effort to Reduce Prison Growth
    Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter pointed to Idaho's prison population growth as one of the fastest growing in the nation as the foundation for creation today of something called "Justice Reinvestment," which Otter called a "comprehensive, data-driven approach to developing and implementing new policies to control spending and improve public safety." The number of people incarcerated in Idaho prisons ...
    June 18, 2013 - Boise Weekly

  • Lisa Bloom in London Free Press
    His lawyer, Lisa Bloom, adds, "I don't want there to be misinterpretation that Michael and I think the sentence was appropriate because we don't. And we sent a letter to the court today. We sent one previously, begging the court not to incarcerate...
  • Nick Lampson in FOXNews
    The funding "will increase resources for law enforcement to capture, prosecute and incarcerate the worst of criminals that work to harm our children," said Rep. Nick Lampson, D-Texas, House co-sponsor with Rep. Judy Biggert, R-Ill.

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