lagomorph :

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  • n  relative large gnawing animals; distinguished from rodents by having two pairs of upper incisors specialized for gnawing

  • But the superprolific rabbit will exploit this newly opened niche by evolving into a deer-size species that combines the lagomorph's gnawing teeth with the long, hoofed legs of .
News & Articles

  • 3DS update brings new Streetpass games, soft-selling rabbit
    Ever dance with a rabbit who shilled new StreetPass diversions in the bright sunlight? No? Well, the latest 3DS update will fix that. Within the system's StreetPass Plaza dwells a white lagomorph with a penchant for salesmanship. After the anthropomorphic bunny describes each title and shows it off in the cutest and most Nintendo way possible, you can buy the quartet of new releases -- Mii Force ...
    July 12, 2013 - Engadget

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