lagoon :

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luh goohn

  • n  a body of water cut off from a larger body by a reef of sand or coral

  • How would the ocean-going monster have gotten into a freshwater lagoon? Tuggerah Lake is connected to the Pacific Ocean through a tidal channel called The Entrance.
  • One of the caveats: "Swimming, snorkeling, sailing and windsurfing in the lagoon all involve possible contact with hostile and potentially deadly marine life.
  • Last week, exactly 22 years after the great flood, a 200-ton steel box was towed across the Venice Lagoon and dropped in place at the Porto di Lido, one of the lagoon's three .
News & Articles


  • David Jablonski in Science Daily (press release)
    The evolutionary legacy of the end-Cretaceous extinction is very much with us. In fact, it can be seen in virtually every marine community, every lagoon, every continental shelf in the world,said University of Chicago paleontologist David...
  • Mickey Hart in Earthtimes (press release)
    I would not be the musician I am today if I had not had the opportunity to embrace music at a young age,said Hart. "And now I get to do things like put percussive sound to the image of fire and have it dance around a lagoon. That's not...
  • Anote Tong in International Herald Tribune
    There's nowhere to move back to,Kiribati's president Anote Tong told climate conference attendees. "Because if you move back, you're either in the lagoon or in the ocean."

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