At the end of a night of wacky hijinks, the lads do wind up in a sleeping bag, exchanging intimacies with.
So far, all this was hardly more than high-spirited collegiate hijinks, and it might have remained so but for two other factors: Iraq's fumbling caretaker government, which didn't .
The hit NBC comedy The Office invites viewers to submit photos of the hijinks in their own workspaces.
Austin Butler Recalls Doing Time With Other 'Bling Ring' Anticipation for Sofia Coppola's take on the true story of teens robbing Tinseltown has been at a fever pitch for months now, but did you know the Bling Ring's hijinks have already seen the screen? And on Lifetime, no less? It's true! The same-named TV movie, starring "Carrie Diaries" actor Austin Butler, debuted in 2011, [...]
June 14, 2013 - MTV
Behold all 12 minutes of Quantic Dream's The Dark Sorcerer E3 tech demo Heavy Rain developer Quantic Dream has released a full-length version of its satirical PlayStation 4 tech demo The Dark Sorcerer, first shown at Sony's E3 press event last night. The Dark Sorcerer recasts the old man character featured in a previous Quantic Dream tech demo as a struggling actor with a goblinish/trollish co-star. Hijinks ensue. Shenanigans, even. Behold all 12 minutes of Quantic ...
June 12, 2013 - Joystiq
Amanda Bynes: I Only Like Drake Because He’s So Ugly Amanda Bynes was back to her head-scratching hijinks on Twitter Monday, again tagging superstar rapper Drake in a tweet which (we think) contained a backhanded compliment . “I only like… READ ON
June 11, 2013 -
Peter Vallone in Fordham University It's not just college hijinks anymore,Vallone said. "We live in a whole different environment now. People aren't using fake IDs just to get into bars, they're using them to hijack planes."
Steven Page in It's us getting into strange situations, hijinks, we slap the stick occasionally,singer Steven Page said recently.