excoriation :

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ek skaw ree ay shuhn

  • n  an abraded area where the skin is torn or worn off
  • n  severe censure

  • He'll probably get off, but I've come to believe that a public excoriation of this dreadful man is a necessary cathartic.
  • That disavowal (and her subsequent excoriation of Frey in person on the show in early 2006) helped trash his reputation as a writer; the publisher offered refunds for A Million .
  • Edmund Wilson's excoriation of mystery writers excluded the Marlowe books from unfavorable comment.
News & Articles

  • Good Television: Battling to Maintain Integrity on Reality TV
    When Rod McLachlan's smart, passionate play Good Television begins in the offices of Rehabilitation , a cable show that bears a strong resemblance to A&E's Intervention , you may draw a breath, preparing for an excoriation of the very existence of that long-running cautionary s...
    June 11, 2013 - The Village Voice

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