Under this Man Wife the traditionally disunited Chinese peoplemillions of whom seldom used the word "China" in the pasthave slowly been given national consciousness.
It would be better for a united America to lose this war than for America to remain disunited; for a united America would rise from defeat, but if a part of tis won and a part of .
White-haired Miss Jinnah, 71, the candidate of five ragtag and usually disunited opposition parties, was picked mainly because she was the sister and confidante of the late .
Book Review: 'Citizens Disunited' by Robert A.G. Monks Book Review: 'Citizens Disunited' by Robert A.G. Monks Seattle Post-Intelligencer Copyright 2013 Seattle Post-Intelligencer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Published 10:00 pm, Wednesday, June 19, 2013 Citizens Disunited: Passive Investors, Drone CEOs, and the Corporate Capture of the American Dream by Robert A.G. Monks explores ...
June 27, 2013 - seattlepi.com
The disUnited State of Texas The disUnited State of Texas Believe it or not, there was a time – probably before we Texans came up with Dr Pepper and Shiner Bock – that not everyone was so keen on Texas being a part of the United States.
June 25, 2013 - Houston Chronicle
Kevin Rudd in NEWS.com.au If I am elected by the Australian people I will serve a three-year term,Mr Rudd told reporters in Canberra today. "We represent a clear and decisive choice for the future as opposed to the Liberals who are now disunited, desperate and in...
Bernard Kouchner in Earthtimes.org Describing unity as a "key challenge for Europe", French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said: "This is a very difficult problem and we don't want to be disunited. The main thing is to maintain unity. In fact, I'd prefer to be united than...
Angela Merkel in Xinhua Europe is weakened in its strength and its ability to assert its position when it is disunited,Merkel said in an interview published by the Rheinische Post on Wednesday.