fragmented :

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f rag muhn tid

  • v  break or cause to break into pieces
    The plate fragmented
  • s  having been divided; having the unity destroyed
    a fragmented coalition

  • Putin's foes are fragmented and run from old-fashioned nationalists to modern liberals; Kasparov, 44, insists he is just a moderator, not a leader, of the movement.
  • Nicole's thoughts raced; her speech was fragmented.
  • He will find the church there to be fragmented and corrupt, with priests taking wives and charging exorbitant fees to perform marriages.
News & Articles


  • Alan Arkin in Forbes
    More than anything, I'm deeply moved by the open-hearted appreciation our small film has received, which in these fragmented times speaks so openly of the possibility of innocence,Arkin said.
  • Henry Paulson in International Herald Tribune
    As a result, what was a fragmented, cumbersome process can be a coordinated effort which more quickly helps able homeowners,Paulson said.
  • Doug Parker in
    Most of you know my views on consolidation and those have not changed,Parker wrote. "Our industry is far too fragmented, and consolidation, if done properly, could result in a much healthier industry which would be good for our employees,...

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