Seechewal has turned his sights onto the tanneries and other factories that dispose of untreated waste in rivers.
Fundamentally, humans are not a species that evolved to dispose of many extra calories beyond what we need to live.
Secretary Henry Paulson is requesting unprecedented powers to resolve and dispose of billions of dollars of mortgages and mortgage-backed securities that would turn the Feds into .
BUILDING RAZED An unidentified worker with Juszczak Construction prepares to dispose of a wooden plank on Friday from the old Fineman’s Department Store in downtown Chester.
June 22, 2013 - The East Liverpool Review
Mobile Co. Gets Grant Money to Dispose of Hazardous Wastes Mobile County is hoping a $700,000 will help dispose of household waste. The county received the money as a part of a grant. It will fund community events to dispose...
June 20, 2013 - NBC 15 Mobile
Michael Hayden in Guardian Unlimited In last week's message, Hayden told CIA employees that "the leaders of our oversight committees in Congress were informed of the videos years ago and of the Agency's intention to dispose of the material. Our oversight committees also have been told...
Ben Bernanke in 940 News Bernanke said BlackRock was "reasonably confident that we will be able to recover the full amount if we dispose of these assets on a measured basis, rather than sell them all at once."
Joe Simitian in Seattle Times I think the public will step up, if they're told how to dispose of drugs the right way,Simitian said. "If you want people to do the right thing, make it easy for them to do it."