consort :

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kuhn sawrt

  • n  the husband or wife of a reigning monarch
  • n  a family of similar musical instrument playing together
  • v  keep company with; hang out with
  • v  go together
  • v  keep company

  • Today's primary meaning of the verb consort is ''to keep company with; to associate with.
  • In this magnificent collaboration, a half dozen elegantly turned lute solos and consort fantasias are interspersed among Andreas Scholls nuanced, coloristically flexible .
  • A consort of acoustically matched instruments, Mrs.

  • Nelson Chamisa in
    I believe you need to be aware that by your tolerating, if not actively encouraging the opposition to consort with the administration, and by doing so, elect the next Senate President not in terms of the people's mandate but instead, according to... Jamby Madrigal Manila Bulletin Jul 22, 2007 21460 29131 consort The days in which dictators would consort in a boys' club and luxuriously look after themselves are over," said Nelson Chamisa in a statement. "Mr. Mengistu may be safe in Harare for now, but for how long?"

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