appeasing :

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uh pee zing

  • v  cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of
  • v  overcome or allay
  • v  make peace with
  • s  intended to pacify by acceding to demands or granting concessions
    the appeasing concessions to the Nazis at Munich

  • Everywhere, and especially in Europe, gullibility was nurtured by the fear that no power could stop the Communists, that the only alternatives were an appeasing coexistence or .
  • Such tactics, however, have not pleased some on the hawkish right who fear that Obama is appeasing the Russians.
  • Heart-Shaped Box isn't about appeasing fathers, and learning to love them, and seeing that they, too, are human beings and not monsters.
News & Articles

  • LaMalfa votes along party lines on farm bill
    House Republicans narrowly passed a scaled-down farm bill today that stripped out the food stamp program, appeasing its conservative wing while further alienating Democratic support.
    July 12, 2013 - The Record Searchlight
  • LaMalfa votes in favor of farm bill without food stamp program
    House Republicans narrowly passed a scaled-down farm bill today that stripped out the food stamp program, appeasing its conservative wing while further alienating Democratic support.
    July 11, 2013 - The Record Searchlight

  • Ron Walker in Sydney Morning Herald
    Compromise is the art of good business,Walker said yesterday. "I believe we've gone a long way to appeasing Mr Ecclestone's aims to increase the television audience worldwide, and I believe we'll achieve that with the 5 o'clock start."
  • Vice President Dick Cheney in Times Online
    We have no intention of ignoring or appeasing history's latest gang of fanatics trying to murder their way to power,Mr Cheney said.
  • Viktor Yushchenko in USA Today
    The Soviet-era practice of issuing appeasing bureaucratic reports instead of taking professional measures, and concealing the actual situation instead of honestly informing the public, can no longer be accepted in Ukraine,Yushchenko told...

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