Skirr: A whirring sound, as of the wings of birds in flight Vaticinate: Prophesy Vilipend: To treat with contempt To read more on the English purging their language, click here.
Smoke immediately wafts from the cord, and a horrible whirring sound builds.
In its first two hours, which moves with whirring assurance, the film establishes two pairs of potent contradictions: the mercantile North vs.
Gazette.Net: Takoma sculptures cater to eyes and butts It’s not uncommon to come across a warning in most museums: Do not touch! Loud alarms and whirring lights await your misjudged decision to disobey. In Takoma Park , however, the artists of a recently released sculpture series not only want you to touch the art — they are inviting you to sit on it.
June 12, 2013 - Burtonsville Gazette
A Hacker’s Workshop Flies Upward A first attempt to fire a rocket went awry. “Relaunch!” people shouted. Next to a computer-controlled beer brewing system and whirring 3-D printers, Mayor John DeStefano deployed a glitter-streaming air-powered rocket—and set MakeHaven soaring toward a new horizon.
June 11, 2013 - New Haven Independent
CANTON SKETCHBOOK: To do or not to do I have a To Do List—and it rules my life. I used to think a To Do List was a bad thing. Like Jason Robards' said in A Thousand Clowns, "I don't want to be a person who makes lists." Then I entered the stage where I realized that if I made lists, I would eliminate stress from my life. My brain, it seemed, was always whirring in a loop, remembering and forgetting and remembering things I had to do ...
June 8, 2013 - The Canton Journal
Barack Obama in The Age The battle for America's future, Mr Obama said, "will be won by making places like Elkhart what they once were and can be again, and that's centres of innovation and entrepreneurship and ingenuity and opportunity; the bustling, whirring, humming...
Fraser Nelson in U.TV When the political editor of the Spectator visited the same corridor, he found himself transported across the Atlantic: "To visit Norman Shaw South is to see a political machine whirring beautifully," writes Fraser Nelson in the most recent...
Pam Zekman in Digital Post Production Interviewing Barasch, Zekman recalled, "Mike did one of those classic performances. He said, 'Just between you and me,' even though there were two cameras whirring and it was for a national audience."