Here's how it works: 1) a semi-obscure black figure says something outrageous or anti-Semitic; 2) pundits pontificate, word processors whirr; 3) one by one, black leaders are .
When he came back from long trips, when his helicopter landed on the White House lawn, the sound and whirr of the engine and blades would make our offices shake.
Another sobriquet was the Stalker, inspired by her steadfast rush toward the presidential helicopter whenever its whirr announced a landing.
Broad Ripple fair-trade company helping to employ women in Thailand Up to six days a week, women sit in a brightly lit workshop in Phuket, Thailand, and snip at pieces of tan leather. One artisan will pass her work to another woman at a sewing station as chatter and the whirr of fans hum in the background.
June 22, 2013 - The Indianapolis Star