ravish :

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  • v  force (someone) to have sex against their will
  • v  hold spellbound

  • As writer Rowling doesn't have anything like the technical firepower to ravish a reader with her prose, but she is a peerless charmer, and she doesn't hold back.
  • The lord of Montgaudri, a fief on the borders of 11th century Normandy, Fulcun spends the opening chapter trying to nerve himself to ravish a comely peasant girl.
  • A young woman (Jacqueline Pearce) with a manuscript in tow strips to the waist, brazenly daring Simon to ravish and, of course, publish her.

  • Baz Luhrmann in San Jose Mercury News
    There are not many actors who have an ability to pick up a Nicole Kidman, throw her on the bed and ravish her with believability,says Luhrmann.
  • John Luther Adams in CBC.ca
    Adams said many of his current works are "designed to ravish and sometimes ravage the listener with more sound than they can take in. It's a process of being in an enclosed space and being inside the sound."

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