rasping :

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  • n  uttering in an irritated tone
  • v  scrape with a rasp
  • v  utter in a grating voice
  • s  unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound

  • Ranging around the tower's walk at will, he sent his bullets burning and rasping through the flesh and bone of those on the campus below, then of those who walked or stood or .
  • Yes, this version of the Melville novel has its starchy parts, and Peck takes a while to shake off his trademark decency and slip into Ahab's rasping obsession.
  • It is far less nasal and rasping than before, far less a mixture of drone and downward slur.
News & Articles

  • Tule Rodeo bigger, better
    It’s an uncomfortable feeling seeing a raging, rasping, bucking bull headed straight towards you despite the presence of a steel fence. This was a common sight at the Indian National Finals Tour Rodeo hosted by the Tule River Tribe Saturday...
    June 24, 2013 - The Porterville Recorder

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