As Jimmy Carter stepped before the television cameras in the East Room of the White House last Friday, his task was not just to proclaim another new anti-inflation program but to .
In fact, with his newest book, A Feast for Crows (Bantam; 784 pages), currently descending on bookstores and ascending best-seller lists, this is as good a time as any to proclaim .
June 25 Croatia and Slovenia proclaim indepedence from Yugoslavia.
Which Current or Former Minnesota Twins Would Make a Solid Major League Manager? COMMENTARY | When you listen to your favorite baseball team's telecast, you might hear your local announcers proclaim the guy at the end of the bench to be a potential major league manager. As a reaction, you might scoff and say "Nick Punto? Major league manager? Go home, Bert. You're drunk."
June 13, 2013 - Yahoo! Contributor Network via Yahoo! Sports
Analysis: Top court's gay marriage ruling won't be last word By Joan Biskupic WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Whatever the U.S. Supreme Court decides this month, gay marriage appears destined to face several more years of legal debate and at least one more round of argument at the high court. That's because a majority of the court's nine justices, based on their record and comments during March's oral arguments, are unlikely to proclaim a national right to same ...
June 13, 2013 - Reuters via Yahoo! News
Inslee takes the gloves off, blasts GOP for stalemate Gov. Jay Inslee lives for days like Tuesday. He arrived in a conference room of reporters wearing his gubernatorial uniform of dark suit, white shirt and blue tie to proclaim the need for a second special session because lawmakers failed miserably in the first . Initially, some said they observed frustration in his face and heard irritation in his voice.
June 13, 2013 - Everett Herald
Barack Obama in Belfast Telegraph On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politics,said Obama.
Kevin Rudd in The time has come, off the back of the current crisis, to proclaim that the great neo-liberal experiment of past failed, that the emperor has no clothes,Rudd said. "Ironically, it falls to social democracy to prevent liberal democracy from...
Fidel Castro in International Herald Tribune I enjoyed observing the embarrassing position of all the presidential candidates in the United States. One by one, they could be seen forced to proclaim their immediate demands of Cuba so as not to alienate a single voter,Castro wrote.