obtain :

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uhb tayn

  • v  come into possession of
    How did you obtain the visa?
  • v  receive a specified treatment (abstract)
  • v  be valid, applicable, or true

  • It couldn't be easier to obtain permission to republish PTI content in books, newsletters, or other publications for editorial and commercial uses.
  • The first is "NOT to go to Fox News to read or obtain a copy" of the Taguba report.
  • The affidavit details multiple incidents involving efforts by Blagojevich to obtain campaign contributions in connection with his official actions as governor, including these .
News & Articles


  • Pope Benedict XVI in Los Angeles Times
    I recognize how difficult it was to grasp the extent and complexity of the problem, to obtain reliable information and to make the right decisions in the light of conflicting expert advice,Benedict wrote. "Nevertheless, it must be admitted...
  • Barack Obama in Indian Express
    We believe we can abide by a rule that says we don't torture, but we can effectively obtain the intelligence we need,Obama said.
  • Vladimir Putin in Forbes
    We need to convince other (countries) to assume the same level of obligation as assumed by the Russian Federation and the United States,Putin said. "If we are unable to obtain such a goal ...... it will be difficult for us to keep within...

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