obtrude :

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uhb troohd

  • v  push to thrust outward
  • v  thrust oneself in as if by force

  • The effect is solemn and unostentatious, since where all is priceless nothing can obtrude in garish splendor.
  • This is partly because Seberg is not much of an actress, partly because Gary is not much of a director, and partly because no taint of reality has been permitted to obtrude .
  • Patrick altogetheras when he recalls the remark of a Dublin professor ("And the worst of it is that trumpery diseases which we never knew we had lift their heads and obtrude .

  • Virginia Woolf in Christian Science Monitor
    Wolfe wrote: "It may be that the art of pleasing has some connection to the art of writing. To be polite, considerate, controlled, to sink one's egotism, to conceal rather than to obtrude one's personality may profit the writer even as they profit...

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