nationalize :

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na shuh nuh lahyz

  • v  put under state control or ownership
    Mitterand nationalized the banks
  • v  make national in character or scope
    His heroic deeds were nationalized by the press

  • Socialist Britain will "nationalize" heavy industry in the British zone of Germany, starting with coal, steel, heavy chemical and mechanical engineering.
  • This is the state of our great republic: We've nationalized the financial system , taking control from Wall Street bankers we no longer trust.
  • BTW, I suspect that Reich recognizes the "hornets nest" that gets poked the minute you use "third rail" words like "nationalize", which may explain why he used "chapter 11" Its .
News & Articles

  • Bank Meltdown Worsens
    The meltdown in the Irish banking stocks after the government nationalized Anglo Irish Bank is an extraordinary feature of the economic recession in Ireland.
    June 27, 2013 - Irish Central

  • Ben Bernanke in Wall Street Journal
    I don't see any reason to destroy the franchise value or to create the huge legal uncertainties of trying to formally nationalize a bank when that just isn't necessary,Mr. Bernanke told the Senate Banking Committee.
  • Alan Greenspan in FOXNews
    Greenspan told the Financial Times, "It may be necessary to temporarily nationalize some banks in order to facilitate a swift and orderly restructuring. I understand that once in a hundred years this is what you do."
  • Dwight Duncan in Calgary Herald
    The world's changed since last year,Duncan said Thursday, when asked to explain the about face. "It's a much different world than last year. I never imagined a George Bush administration would nationalize banks. I never thought I'd see...

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