Socialist Britain will "nationalize" heavy industry in the British zone of Germany, starting with coal, steel, heavy chemical and mechanical engineering.
This is the state of our great republic: We've nationalized the financial system , taking control from Wall Street bankers we no longer trust.
BTW, I suspect that Reich recognizes the "hornets nest" that gets poked the minute you use "third rail" words like "nationalize", which may explain why he used "chapter 11" Its .
Bank Meltdown Worsens The meltdown in the Irish banking stocks after the government nationalized Anglo Irish Bank is an extraordinary feature of the economic recession in Ireland.
June 27, 2013 - Irish Central
Ben Bernanke in Wall Street Journal I don't see any reason to destroy the franchise value or to create the huge legal uncertainties of trying to formally nationalize a bank when that just isn't necessary,Mr. Bernanke told the Senate Banking Committee.
Alan Greenspan in FOXNews Greenspan told the Financial Times, "It may be necessary to temporarily nationalize some banks in order to facilitate a swift and orderly restructuring. I understand that once in a hundred years this is what you do."
Dwight Duncan in Calgary Herald The world's changed since last year,Duncan said Thursday, when asked to explain the about face. "It's a much different world than last year. I never imagined a George Bush administration would nationalize banks. I never thought I'd see...